Faith Formation
As we begin another year of Faith Formation in our Parish, let’s take a moment to pause and think what Faith Formation is all about…The General Directory for Catechesis states:
“Catechesis is nothing other than the process of transmitting the Gospel, as the Christian community has received it, understands it, celebrates it, lives it and communicates it in many ways.”
Jesus empowered the Church to continue His mission when He said, “Go and make disciples of all nations.” This great commission has been handed to all of us by virtue of our baptism.
Catechesis is a life-long process of initial conversion, formation, education and on-going conversion. Through word, worship, service and community, it seeks to lead all God’s people to an ever deepening relationship with the Father who reveals Himself in Jesus through the power of the Holy Spirit
Faith Formation takes many forms and includes the education of adults, youth and children … to enable all to grow in faith and discipleship.
Here in our parish we have the opportunity to participate in several different forms of Faith Formation.
Not everybody can do everything, but won’t you consider doing something this year to help you grow in your faith? Faith Formation is not just for children, but for ALL OF US! It is a life-long endeavor that grows out of the life of the community, and which, in turn, strengthens the community.
Let us learn and grow together this year to truly become the disciples that Jesus wants us to be.
God Bless you and your families. Marie Kirsch