Committees & Organizations
Parish Pastoral Council
Members of the Parish Pastoral Council are appointed by the pastor to provide a representative voice for the parish. The Council is a forum for communication regarding parish affairs and assists the pastor in the administration of the parishes spiritual needs.
Council Facilitator:
Mrs. Bridget Polenik
Council Members:
Linda Benko
Sandy Greene, Rebecca Lingenfelter, Maureen Pounds, George Deabenderfer, Tom Lester, Tina Semon
Finance Council
The Finance Council is a group of dedicated individuals who are called to serve the parish family through careful consideration of how to efficiently spend parish funds. Members of this council are appointed by the pastor.
Council Facilitator:
Ms. Betty Geneva
Council Members:
Clayton Lamer, Patrik Payne, Matthew Polenik, Steve Reinoehl, William Roach, and Julie Roof
Buildings & Grounds
The Buildings and Grounds committee is a committee of parishioners who are dedicated to the physical status of our parish buildings and the parish grounds.
Committee Facilitator:
Deacon Stephen Black
Council Members:
Sandy Black, John Hardesty, Frank Johns, Brian Kalanavich, Clayton Lamer, Steven Reinoehl, Jerry Roof, Peter Larme and Jerry Shipe.
Cemetery Committee
Committee Facilitator:
Mr. Clayton Lamer
Rosary Society
This group is dedicated in promoting this prayer form. Through the Rosary Society, the rosary is recited every day before the morning Mass. Members also pray the rosary during the time allotted for visitation at the funeral home.
Evangelization Team
Linda Benko, Dave Dillion, Matt Polenik, Bridget Polenik, Susan Super, Marie Kirsch, Tina Semon, Brittany Barnes