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Sacramental Preparation

For infant baptism, parishes are expected to provide catechetical preparation for parents, siblings, godparents and liturgical assemblies. This sacramental catechesis flows from the liturgical rite and draws on the signs and symbols used in the rite of baptism. Preparation should also include catechesis on the role of the Christian family and the rights and responsibilities that parents accept in presenting their child for baptism.
First reception of this sacrament takes place during the Advent season in any of the following ways:
• Individually at the regular parish worship
• At a parish reconciliation service
• At a special reconciliation service where families receive the sacrament together
Confirmation and First Eucharist
For individuals baptized in infancy, the sacrament of confirmation will ordinarily be received at the age of discretion, seven years old, at the same celebration as first Eucharist at a Sunday liturgy during the Easter season.
Catechesis for confirmation and first Eucharist should emphasize the theology of Christian initiation, which links baptism, confirmation and Eucharist as one process incorporating one into a lifelong journey of conversion in faith.
The primary focus in preparing children for these sacraments of initiation should be spiritual formation.
Additional Information
Information in regard to sacrament preparation will be mailed to individuals families.
If you have a child who should be preparing to receive the Sacraments of Reconciliation, Confirmation and Eucharist during the upcoming year and you do not receive information by mail contact the Faith Formation Office at 724-254-3041.