Mission Statement
We the faithful of Resurrection Parish, seeking to grow as disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ, are committed to proclaiming his Gospel by our words and actions in the community of Northern Indiana County, that we may build up the Kingdom of God and continually form new disciples.
Goals and Objectives
GOAL: To increase awareness and educate Parishioners on the true nature of Christian Stewardship. Objective:
- To have homilies quarterly on topic of Stewardship
- To update the Parish Census by December 2018.
- Plan and conduct a Parish Synod in Fall of 2018.
GOAL: To kindle in all parishioners a greater enthusiasm for our faith.
- To charge evangelization team to continue to explore options for Adult Faith Formation opportunities and to work with the Pastoral Staff for implementation by December 2018.
- To explore on going opportunities for prayer groups/devotions and spiritual growth.
- Re-establish a Welcome Committee by October 2018.
- Research feasibility of a parish mission by 2020.
GOAL: To reach out to the individuals who have fallen away from our parish community
- To use the Parish Census information to identify those who have fallen away by December 2018.
- Investigate programs to reach out to the fallen aways by December 2018.
Parish Office Hours
Monday through Thursday from 9:00 AM until 4:00 PM.
Friday from 9:00 AM until noon.
We are closed on holidays.